Links to other organisations

Below are links to other maritime organisations and bodies

Conventions and Agreements

Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East AtlanticOSPAR is the mechanism by which 15 Governments & the EU cooperate to protect the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic.

Arctic Council Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Resppnse Working Group

The EPPR Working Group

strives to be the premier international forum for collaboration on prevention, preparedness and response issues in order to advance risk mitigation and improve response capacity and capabilities in the Arctic.

International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (MARPOL 73/78)The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes.
International Convention on oil pollution preparedness, response and cooperation Parties to OPRC are required to establish measures for dealing with pollution incidents, either nationally or in co-operation with other countries.
International Maritime Organization

The United Nations specialised agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships.

Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental ProtectionGESAMP is a group of independent scientific experts that provides advice to the UN system on scientific aspects of marine environmental protection.
Lisbon Agreement

Covering the waters of the Northeast Atlantic to ensure cooperation in the event of a pollution incident at sea. The Agreement requires the Contracting Parties to set up their own system of prevention and control, to equip themselves with pollution control equipment and to set their own national plans of action.

London ConventionThe Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972.
North Sea Network of Investigators and ProsecutorsNSN members work to help enforcement and prosecution of MARPOL maritime pollution offences aiming to prevent and minimize pollution from ships, both accidental and that from routine operations, in the North Sea.
The Hazardous and Noxious Substances ConventionThe HNS Convention aims to ensure prompt and effective compensation to those who have suffered from damage to person and/or property. This includes cost of clean up and economic losses resulting from the maritime transport of hazardous and noxious substances.
The Paris Memorandum on Port State ControlThe Paris MoU aims to eliminate the operation of sub-standard ships through a harmonized system of port State control inspections ensuring that these ships meet international safety, security and environmental standards, and that crew members have adequate living and working conditions.
International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea

SOLAS Convention specifies minimum standards for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, compatible with their safety.

United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaUNCLOS is an international treaty that establishes a legal framework for all marine and maritime activities.
United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNEP promotes the protection, conservation, restoration and sustainable management of the world’s marine and coastal areas.

European Union

EU Directorate General for the EnvironmentEU policies to protect Europe’s ocean, seas and coasts.
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid OperationsDG-ECHO and the ERCC can quickly mobilise oil recovery capacity and expertise from the participating states and the European Maritime Safety Agency.
European Commission Joint Research CentreThe JRC provides independent, evidence-based science and knowledge, supporting EU policies to positively impact society.
European Maritime Safety AgencyEMSA’s mission is to serve EU maritime interests for a safe, secure, green and competitive maritime sector and act as a reliable and respected point of reference in the maritime sector in Europe and worldwide.
CleanSeaNetCSN is an EMSA hosted satellite-based oil spill and vessel detection service.
THETIS-EUTHETIS-EU is a platform, hosted and managed by EMSA, that supports the implementation of a wide spectrum of EU maritime legislation.

Research bodies

CEDREInternational experts in accidental water pollution, we have five main activities: response support, contingency planning, training, analysis and testing and research. We are also a recognized resource centre.
SINTEFOne of Europe’s largest independent research organisations, with an active participation within the ocean space.


EURopean Oiled Wildlife AssistanceA network of European oiled wildlife response experts who have signed the EUROWA Charter, working together to improve professionalism in marine wildlife emergency response.
KIMO InternationalA network of local governments, working together for healthy seas, clean beaches, and thriving coastal communities.
Sea AlarmWith the goal of creating a more professional and coordinated network of European oiled wildlife responders, Sea Alarm has made significant contributions to the development of oiled wildlife preparedness and response capabilities, and to building response capacity and cooperation across Europe.


International Association of Independent Tanker OwnersINTERTANKO is a trade association representing the interests of its members at national, regional and international levels.
International Organisation of Oil and Gas ProducersAn industry organisation working with experts from our members to to identify and share knowledge and good practices to improve performance across the industry.
International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation AssociationIpeica is an UN-industry interface on environmental and climate issues. Work to harness the oil and gas industry’s collective expertise and technology on marine spill preparedness and response.
International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation LimitedPromote effective response to marine spills of oil, chemicals and other substances and produces documentation and guidelines.
The International Oil Pollution Compensation FundIOPC Funds are two intergovernmental organisations which provide compensation for oil pollution damage resulting from spills of persistent oil from tankers.
The International Salvage UnionThe International Salvage Union is the trusted and unified global voice of its members who facilitate world trade by providing marine services which save life, protect the environment, mitigate risk and reduce loss.