OSINet’s participants
OSINET is an informal expert group within the Bonn Agreement. Each Bonn Agreement country has assigned at least one laboratory that is responsible for the analysis of the oil spill identification samples within OSINET. Today, OSINET has expanded beyond the Bonn Agreement region to become a worldwide group of experts with laboratories participating from Spain, Italy, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Canada, USA, Brazil, China, Korea and Australia. The number of participating laboratories continues to increase. The importance of the group was recently expressed by one of its Canadian members: “This group is one of the premier organizations in the world” (Deib Birkholz, Director, Research and Toxicology, NA CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, Edmonton).
OSINet Basecamp page
Basecamp is an online project collaboration tool. Access to the OSINet Basecamp page is open to members of the OSINet Network of Experts only.
The COSIweb database is hosted and supported by Germany and the annual inter-calibration tests (Round Robins) are supported by the Netherlands and Germany.