Regional Resource Database
In order to undertake the risk assessment for marine pollution (mineral oil and HNS) a large amount of data was required: Where were the shipping routes and platforms? What were their cargoes? Where were the other objects, such as wind farms, that could increase the risk of a collision? What risk-reducing measures were used, such as traffic separation schemes or areas where pilotage was compulsory? What was the accident rate? What was the prognosis for shipping traffic and human uses in 2020?
In order to ensure the project could collect the data required a Data Request Note was developed which clearly outlined the information needed. This was then circulated to Bonn Agreement Contracting Parties and other data sources, such as the OSPAR Commission and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The (non-confidential) data received was stored in a Regional Resource Database, and retained by the Bonn Agreement, as it is also useful for strategic planning, environmental purposes, etc.
Key Task Deliverables:
- Data request note
- Regional resource database
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The key aspect of the risk assessment was the Methodology, which outlined how the risk calculations would be undertaken, any assumptions made, exclusions from the assessment, scenarios to be assessed and how the results would be presented.