- Bonn publications
Bonn Agreemement Contracting Parties publish and update several guides, handbooks and manuals relating to prevention, pollution and control of pollution.
- Counter Pollution Manual
Chapter Title Updated List of Updates Volume 1. Administration 1.1 - 1.11 National Chapters March 2022 1.12 Sub-regional Plans:
2020 1.13 Bonn Agreement Text 2023 1.14 Bonn Exercises 2020 1.15 2020 1.16 Host Nation Support 2020 1.17 Guidelines for Evaluation 2012 Volume 2. Operational Aspects 2.1 National Points of Contact 2020 2.2 The POLREP System and Procedures 2020 2.3 Policy & Combatting Pollution 2020 2.4 Recommended Command Structures and Communication 2020 2.5 Dispersants 2020 2.6 Equipment 2020 2.7 Inventory Asset Management 2020 2.8 Hazardous Substances
(Printable version available from the Secretariat on request)2021 2.9 OSINET 2020 2.10 Wildlife Response 2023 2.11 Places of Refuge 2020 2.12 Emergency Towing 2020
- 1.1-1.11 - National Chapters (Updated March 2022) (1.1 MB)
- 1.13 - Bonn Agreement Text (232.1 kB)
- 1.14 - Bonn Exercises (162.2 kB)
- 1.15 - Costs for Assistance and Claims Management (164.3 kB)
- 1.16 - Host Nation Support (205.7 kB)
- 1.17 - Guidelines for Evaluation (216.9 kB)
- 2.2 The POLREP System and Procedures (190.4 kB)
- 2.3 - Policy & Combatting Pollution (199.5 kB)
- 2.4 - Recommended Command Structures and Communication (224.4 kB)
- 2.5 - Dispersants (210.5 kB)
- 2.6 - Equipment (88.3 kB)
- 2.7 - Inventory Asset Management (261.3 kB)
- 2.9 - OSINet (2.0 MB)
- 2.11 - Places of Refuge (96.7 kB)
- 2.12 - Emergency Towing (151.0 kB)
- NorBrit Plan (81.8 kB)
- 2.8 - HNS (West MOPOCo) (24.6 MB)
- Updates as of Oct-2023 (69.7 kB)
- 2.10 - Wildlife Response - Oct 2023 (410.1 kB)
- Aerial Operations Handbook
Bonn Agreement Aerial Operations Handbook
Operational discharges from shipping are one of the main sources of oil pollution in the North Sea. It was for this reason that, in 1989, the Bonn Agreement was amended to include in its remit the duty to perform aerial surveillance flights in order to detect pollution. One year later the Bonn Agreement published the Bonn Agreement Aerial Surveillance Handbook to provide aerial surveillance teams with information on how to carry out surveillance within the Bonn Agreement area.
The Handbook is intended to be a convenient manual which crews and operators can use during flights. It describes remote sensing techniques as well as cooperation in flight. Aircrews who detect pollution during their flights report the pollution at the end of their flight using standardised forms included in the Handbook.
The Handbook is regularly reviewed and updated by a designated lead country. In 2004, the Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code (BAOAC) and Guidelines for its Use were added to the Handbook. In 2008, the Aerial Surveillance Handbook was expanded into, and renamed, the “Aerial Operations Handbook” to include guidance on the role of aircraft in response operations. One of the lessons learned from the Prestige incident was that such material can be helpful as recovery vessels can work more effectively if they receive guidance from aircraft above. Other additions were: a new introductory section; implementation of satellite imagery; aerial spraying of dispersants; information on MARPOL Annexes I, II and V; national information including national surveillance routing points and a map of pollution control zone surveillance regions.
Title Updated Cover page and Record of Amendments 2022 Part I General Information 2022 Part I National Chapters 2022 Part II Guidelines for Oil Pollution Detection, Investigation and Post Flight Analysis/Evaluation for Volume Estimation 2022 Part II Remote Sensing and Operational Guidelines 2022 The AOH is supported by the BAOAC Photo Atlas which comprises an array of exemplary photos of aerial observations of different types of oil slicks from accidental or illegal discharges from ships or oil rigs, including SLAR and IR/UV images, together with explanatory texts.
The revised and updated Aerial Operations Handbook is based on long-term experience and is intended to be made available as widely as possible as a flagship Bonn Agreement product.
- Aerial Operations Handbook Part II - Remote Sensing and Operational Guidelines - 2022 Update (566.7 kB)
- Aerial Operations Handbook Part II - Guidelines for Oil Pollution Detection, Investigation and Post Flight Analysis/Evaluation for Volume Estimation - 2022 Update (687.6 kB)
- Aerial Operations Handbook Part I - General Information - 2022 Update (1.1 MB)
- Aerial Operations Handbook Part I - National Information - 2022 Update (3.4 MB)
- Aerial Operations Handbook - Cover Page - 2022 Update (187.4 kB)
- The Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code
07/2/2 "The Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code, Report of the Meeting to Evaluate the Validation Test and Report" "Current Status of the Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code"
The Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code
The Bonn Agreement Appearance Code (BAAC) was first developed by the Bonn Agreement in 1993 to estimate the volume of oil on the sea surface. The code used visual inspection to estimate the amount of oil spilled on the sea surface. The code initially had seven different colours, each one related to different thicknesses of spilled oil. However, this proved difficult to use and therefore the colour code was revised to five different colours. It was renamed the Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code (BAOAC) and entered into effect on 1 January 2004.
Experience of using the BAOAC over the years is that it is a valid way of relating the appearance of oil to the thickness of the oil layer and thus calculating the volume of the spill. It is supported by scientific literature, small-scale laboratory experiments, mid-scale outdoor experiments and large–scale experiments at sea trials. Operators require training and practice to use the code effectively. Today the BAOAC is applied by operators and surveillance aircraft throughout the world.
- North Sea Manual on Maritime Pollution Offences
The manual describes the authorities and procedures involved in prosecuting discharge offences at sea focusing on the international aspects and practice in Bonn Agreement countries.
IRA-MAR project has produced several outptus, including their technical guide.
The aim of this technical guide is to gather information and knowledge on the more advanced techniques and technologies, and related gaps, in the use of drones in marine environmental emergencies. It is dedicated to authorities appointed in National Contingency Plan (NCP) to coordinate survey of areas affected by a maritime pollutant spill following an environmental emergency as well as any other authorities and experts involved in maritime emergency response.
- Annual Reports on Aerial Surveillance
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2021 (4.3 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2020 (2.7 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2019 (3.2 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2018 (4.4 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2017 (1.2 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2016 (2.2 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2015 (3.7 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2014 (4.7 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2013 (3.8 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2012 (2.0 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2011 (1.6 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2010 (1.1 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2009 (1.4 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2008 (1.8 MB)
- Bonn Agreement Annual Report on Aerial Surveillance 2022 (2.4 MB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheets
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2020 (1.1 MB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2019 (919.9 kB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2018 (677.7 kB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2017 (631.0 kB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2016 (727.4 kB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2015 (1.0 MB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2014 (446.6 kB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2013 (1.5 MB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2012 (1.4 MB)
- Aerial Surveillance Factsheet 2011 (1.0 MB)
- Annual Tour d'Horizon Reports
- Aerial Surveillance Data
- Terms of References
- Regional Priorities
The Bonn Agreement Contracting Parties have agreed to identify and annually review a list of Regional Priorities in the field of marine pollution by oil or other harmful substances.
Description RP2 Promotion and establishment of efficient emergency preparedness, taking into account the obligations under the Marine Strategy Framework and the Water Framework Directives. Development of a common (sub-)regional approach to MSFD-Descriptor 8 ‘Significant acute pollution’, in particular with regard to spill impact / effect monitoring and assessment, and how significant effects can feed the assessment of good environmental status under the MSFD Directive. RP3 Perform R&D and information exchange regarding new generation fuels. Follow-up of the IMAROS pilot project (Improving response capacities and understanding the environmental impacts of new generation low sulphur MARine fuel Oil Spills; see, with the aim to address pending tasks: Update on the fuel markets’ adaption to the 2020 Sulphur Cap (in a long-term perspective); further research on response technology, and / or development of new technologies and innovation involving spill response industry (including shoreline response); field verification and testing of concepts identified within the IMAROS pilot project; and acquire further knowledge of environmental impacts of ULSFO/VLSFO spills. RP5 Improvement of the effectiveness of surveillance and recovery operations for floating objects. Development of a system(s) for (semi-automatic) detection of floating objects such as containers, wood or plastic pellets, which are difficult to detect - in particular in bad weather conditions, or because they can be submerged or subsurface (partly or entirely), or because of their spreading behaviour. Improvement of existing operational drift models used by competent authorities, by improving the drift modelling for floating objects, including cargo released from containers. RP7 Continue ongoing research on HNS behaviour and response (incl. sea trials and exercises). Following the ongoing HNS-project MANIFESTS, to continue R&D on HNS pollution with the aim to improve the knowledge and understanding of HNS behaviour, hazards and risks, and to improve detection and response methods; by experimentation, small-scale trials and at-sea trials; and improve existing models by integration of the results. - Observer Guidelines
- Bonn Agreement Area
The Bonn Agreement Area is defined in the Appendix of the Bonn Agreement. The following shapefiles are provided for ease of reporting or visual representation.
- Project Proposals
Non-binding guidance on how to develop a proposal for a Bonn Agreement project and on how the Bonn Agreement can support external projects is available here.
- SINTEF Reports
- SINTEF Report: BONNEX 2002 (4.8 MB)
- SINTEF Report: The use of colour as a guide to oil film thickness - Main Report (4.5 MB)
- SINTEF Report: The use of colour as a guide to oil film thickness - Phase 1: Laboratory experiments (659.0 kB)
- SINTEF Report: The use of colour as a guide to oil film thickness - Phase 1: A literature review (649.6 kB)
- Bonn Agreement 50 Years Brochure
In 2019 the Bonn Agreement celebrated 50 years of cooperation in pollution response and prevention. The 50 Years of the Bonn Agreement brochure outlines past successes, timelines and future goals of the Bonn Agreement.
The 50 years of the Bonn Agreement follows on from the previous brochure: 40 years of the Bonn Agreement.
- Bonn Agreement 40 years brochure
- Bonn Agreement Information Leaflet
Created for Interspill 2022, the information leaflet describes the work and achievments of the Bonn Agreement.