
To facilitate the work of the Contracting Parties in preventing and responding to pollution incidents in the Greater North Sea and its wider approaches, the Bonn Agreement is involved in projects aimed at developing operational capabilities and furthering its strategic aims.

Non-binding guidance on how to develop a proposal for a Bonn Agreement project and on how the Bonn Agreement can support external projects is available here.

BE-AWARE I and BE-AWARE II produced the first area-wide risk assessments of marine pollution in the North Sea and the potential impacts of a pollution incident.

HNS-MS, ARCOPOL, MARINIER and MARPOCS, IRA-MAR are related, but external projects intended to aid in the preparedness and response capability to Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) spills.

Inside Projects


MANIFESTS (MANaging risks and Impacts From Evaporating and gaseous Substances To population Safety) is a 2-year EU project co-funded by the EC/DG-ECHO focusing on volatile Hazard Noxious Substances (HNS) that can lead to the formation of toxic, flammable or even explosive gas clouds. The project seeks to improve response capacities of marine pollution responders through the development of innovative decision-support tools and operational guidelines and by facilitating access to relevant knowledge and databases on volatile HNS spills at sea.



The IMAROS project (Improving response capacities and understanding the environmental impacts of new generation low sulphur MARine fuel Oil Spills) is a EU funded project running from 2020 to 2021. It is coordinated by the Norwegian Coastal Administration with partners from Belgium, Denmark, France, Malta and Sweden.



The Project Western Mediterranean Region Marine Oil and HNS Pollution Cooperation (West MOPoCo) runs from 2019 to 2021 and supports cooperation in the field of preparedness for and response to oil and Highly Noxious Substances (HNS) marine pollution and in improving the quality and interoperability of response capacities.



The MARPOCS project, active between 2016 - 2017 in an Atlantic sub-region, works towards an integrated framework for preparedness and response to oil and HNS spills.



MARINER ran from 2016 - 2017 and builds on the ARCOPOL projects and focuses on improving planning, preparedness and response to HNS spills.



The BE-AWARE project was a two year initiative (2012-2014), co-financed by the European Union, which aimed to quantitively identify the risk and magnitude of mineral oils spills, in the Bonn Agreement area and undertake a qualitative risk assessment for hazardous and noxious substances.



BE-AWARE II was a two year initiative (2013-2015), also co-financed by the European Union, which aimed to utilise the results of BE-AWARE I to model the effects of 10 risk reducing and response scenarios through a combination of oil spill modelling and environmental and socioeconomic sensitivity analysis. Therefore identifying sub regional risk management conclusions for 2020.


BE-AWARE Trend Analysis

As a follow-up to the BE-AWARE I project, a trend analysis was undertaken to provide an update and key insights on recent developments in ship traffic, accident statistics, spatial planning and their implications on the risk of marine pollution reported in the BE-AWARE projects for the Bonn Agreement area. Based on the appraisal of recent developments, the trend analysis explores the expected situation in 2030. The present project is being financed by the Bonn Agreement Contracting Parties with additional financing from Spain (Salvamento Marítimo).



The ARCOPOL projects ran between 2009 - 2015 with an aim to reinforce the preparedness and response to both oil and HNS spills in the Atlantic regions.


HNS-MS project

The HNS-MS Project (2015-2016) is a 2-year project on a decision support tool for Harmful and Noxious Substances (HNS).
