News and Publications
BE-AWARE Final Conference, 10 - 11 December 2013
The BE-AWARE project held its Final Conference in Malmö, Sweden, on 10 - 11 December 2013, hosted by the World Maritime University. The conference presented the results of the first regional risk assessment for pollution from oil and hazardous substances in the Bonn Agreement area.
The conference was open to all stakeholders with an interest in the protection of the Greater North Sea area.
Download BE-AWARE Conference Flyer
Risk Assessment Seminar
The project held its Risk Assessment Seminar in Tønsberg, Norway, on 24-26 September 2012. It reviewed progress in tasks such as data collection and the development of the project methodology and considered the risk assessment phase which will start in the autumn. The seminar was open to all stakeholders and the outcomes are available here.
BE-AWARE leaflet
The BE-AWARE leaflet gives an overview of the BE-AWARE project and project partners.
Download BE-AWARE leaflet
BE-AWARE poster
The BE-AWARE poster was commissioned for display at the INTERSPILL 2012 event in London in March 2012.
Download BE-AWARE poster
BE-AWARE Methodology Note
The Methodology Note outlines the method used by the project to calculate the risk of marine pollution in the Greater North Sea and magnitude of any spills.
Download BE-AWARE Methodology Note
BE-AWARE Data Collection Note
The Data Collection Note outlines the information required to undertake the risk assessment of marine pollution. This information comes from sources such as North Sea Countries, the OSPAR Commission and EMSA.
Download BE-AWARE Data Collection Note