Sharing What We Learn
BE-AWARE II provided risk management conclusions for the five BE-AWARE sub-regions for consideration by the Bonn Agreement. It was important that stakeholders, such as Bonn Agreement Contracting Parties, the EU, other regional Agreements, industry and NGOs, had confidence in these project outcomes. Therefore BE-AWARE II involved stakeholders at key stages throughout the project. These included the method seminar, project workshop and the final conference where key decisions on issues such as the methodology used and outputs to be disseminated were made. The remaining results were shared through the website and presented at relevant events such as Interspill 2015.
Kick-off meeting
The Kick-off Meeting set the scene for the project, highlighting the aims and objectives to be achieved over the 2 years (2013-2015) to the project partners, including how it could contribute to EU Policy. The meeting also discussed the development of the project communication plan.
Method Seminar
The Method Seminar considered both the data required to undertake the oil spill and response modelling and vulnerability analysis and how the methodology developed for the BRISK project could be adapted for the North Sea Region whilst allowing the results to be compatible.
Vulnerability Ranking Workshop
The environmental and socioeconomic sensitivity analysis methodology was qualitative and therefore required expert input to rank the features for their sensitivity to oil pollution for each season. The workshop did this for each of the 31 environmental and 18 socioeconomic features which formed the basis for the vulnerability analysis.
Project Seminar
The project Seminar, which was open to stakeholders, occurred at the halfway point in the project (January 2015) and reviewed the progress on tasks such as the regional resource database (data), methodology, oil spill / response modelling and environmental and socioeconomic vulnerability analysis identifying any problems or gaps.
Risk Management Conclusions Workshop
Based on the results of the area-wide impact assessment the workshop developed risk management conclusions for each of the BE-AWARE sub regions based on the most effective risk reducing and response scenarios.
Project Conference
The Final Conference disseminated the project results to stakeholders, highlighted implications and identified how the results could be taken forward within the Bonn Agreement.
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Final Conference

The BE-AWARE II Final Conference was held on 18-19 November 2015 in Ronneby, Sweden.