Method Seminar
The Method Seminar was held on 8-9 April 2014, Southampton, UK.
The seminar was an expert level meeting to discuss the method used within the project and any modifications required to take into consideration the unique North Sea conditions. The seminar also considered the data requirements for the project including the outline of the Data Request Note which would clearly specify the information needed. The seminar was attended by Project Partners, Consultants COWI, Bonn Agreement Contracting Parties' Experts and national agencies which would be involved in the data collection.
Seminar Objectives
The key objectives of the seminar were:
- Agree a common methodology for the oil spill and response modelling and impact assessment compatible with the approach undertaken in the HELCOM Maritime Area;
- Develop a Method Note outlining the agreed methodology;
- Consider the data requirements for the project including potential sources and difficulties in accessing information;
- Develop a Data Request Note clearly outlining the required information
Seminar Outcomes
The following products were agreed or developed at the meeting:
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Sensitivity Ranking Workshop
The Sensitivity Ranking Workshop was held on 11-13 September 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.