What Will We Achieve?
The overall aim of BE-AWARE II was to identify the most effective risk reducing (RRM) and response measures (RM) for the five project sub-regions based upon: the risk and size of oil spills calculated in the BE-AWARE I project, modelling of the outflow of oil from those spills, an environmental and socioeconomic sensitivity analysis and a combined impact assessment. Based upon this, risk management conclusions were presented to the Bonn Agreement for further consideration and possible inclusion in the Bonn Agreement Action Plan 2016-2019.
In order to achieve this aim, the work was split into ten work packages consisting of project management, publicity, methodology, project database, oil spill / response modelling, environmental and socioeconomic vulnerability, project workshop, impact assessment, risk management conclusions and final conference. View how these work packages were included in the project timeline.
The work packages included deliverables which were the main outputs of the project, these included:
- A database of project information on environmental and socioeconomic features in the region and national response capabilities.
- An agreed methodology for modelling the outflow of oil and identification of the current and alternative future scenarios for RRM and RM.
- Report on the results of the oil spill and response modelling.
- Report on joint environmental and socio-economic vulnerability mapping.
- An area-wide oil spill impact assessment report.
- Risk management conclusions for each of the five BE-AWARE sub-regions.
- Final project conference to disseminate the results
Final project report
Next In This Section
Project Timeline
The timeline below outlines how the various BE-AWARE II work packages were linked together and fed into the major project activities such as the method seminar, project workshop and final conference.